Saturday, October 9, 2010

Getting Ready to Leave

I have certainly been less than diligent in keeping my blog updated. It seems we just do stuff around here and the time just disappears. I intended to add photos to this, but am not going to get that done.

Our summer was late getting here but it was well worth waiting for.....and still continues. We are getting temps in the high 40's to 70's with clear beautiful day. No frost yet, and no snow on the 10,000 ft mountains. It will be hard to leave.

Our community garden was very productive this summer....lots more than we needed. We ate loads of fresh veggies gave them away. Last year I got a dehydrator so tried vegetables and was very pleased with the results. I did about 25 lbs of green beans as well as a lot of carrots, squash, apples, pears etc. Tried the veggies in a stew and it was a great. Sure an easier way to keep them since our freezer will be turned off for the winter.

This computer is driving me nuts!!! [again]. The letter "R" just fell off the other day. Took it in and the guy said a new key could be ordered and just snapped into place. However, there was not enough time to get it done before we leave. So now when I type, if I have to hit "R" my finger falls into a hole and touches an electrical connection. So, if Dan finds me dead at my computer in the near future, he will know what happened.

Have had more back injections, all with varying degrees of success. However, the one I had last week seems to be helping. Hope it lasts at least until we get to Texas.

We leave on Monday to drive to Tucson where we store our car at a friend's, then will leave from there for a birding trip into NW Mexico. The guide is Dave who was our guide on our 2 Alaska trips. He and his wife have a hotel in Mexico and do birding tours from there. They are really nice people and we are looking forward to the trip. They will pick us up [and 6 others] in Tucson and drive through Nogales into Mexico. That concerns me a little as that is a bad corridor for the smugglers of drugs and illegals. However, hopefully everything will be OK.

After that trip we will head to Oklahoma to Lawton to pick up the motorhome and then head to Mission [arriving Nov 8] where we will spend the winter at the same location as previous years.

I love our house and location and friends here and at times, don't want to leave. However, I also love to travel, see new places, stay at our familiar Texas location and catch up on friends from previous years. The only thing is, the packing up and moving is not a fun thing...especially from here. There is a lot to do to get things ready and it is not particularly fun [the birds are really going to miss their feeders]. At the moment we are up to our ears in preparation but once we are on the road, all that is quickly behind us.

Sorry about the lack of photos. They take a bunch more time and that is what I am running out of. Fingers crossed for us as we travel.