Tuesday, May 4, 2010

After waiting forever to decide to get the cortisone shots in my back, I finally took the big step. I had the MRI which showed herniation in 4 discs with L5 being the worst. Yesterday I had the injection at L5. They told me that my back may feel better on injection day due to the numbing medicine they used [it actually did feel better] but that it could feel worse on day 2 and then slowly improve for up to 14 days. Today did feel better and I actually felt like doing some light activities that I had not felt like doing previously. However, they said not to bail off and start chopping wood or anything, and I am being careful. I am cautiously optimistic, and if things continue to improve like they have done today, I will be very pleased.

On April 24 I officially became a senior citizen. That really is a mixed blessing because although there are some advantages [I can officially get senior discounts at restaurants without lying about it] there seem to be more disadvantages. I have never been sick during my life, but in the past year or so, things have been taking a rapid turn for the worse which really annoys me. I want to be back where I can do what I want and when I want. However, aches and pains as well as energy levels seem to put a halt to all that. Oh well, I guess I will be like everyone else and just do the best I can. Through all this, Dan has been a huge help and does so much for me that it would hurt my back to do. I am really very fortunate.

I broke the corner off a tooth while I was in Texas and got it fixed last week. While that is never my favorite thing to do, I do like the results.

I have wanted to have a garden up here but deer are a huge problem. We don't have an area with a high fence, and many of the things we have tried have been eaten. A friend who does not have deer suggested a community garden with him. Last weekend we helped him plant a bunch of seeds with the hopes of a bumper crop. It will also be convenient for when one of us is away or busy and the others can water and share garden tasks. Looking forward to a nice green salad.

Dan is still working on his "to do" list. He is getting lots done, but his shop has still not warmed up so has to limit his time in there.

Our bird feeders are still getting lots of activity with the sunflower seeds and suet being devoured at a rapid rate. These are our California Quail

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the newest member of our senior citizens club. Our club needs all the members we can get. Our goal is to have enough members to take over the world! Sure happy to hear your back is doing better. See you this winter.

