Monday, April 5, 2010

Soon to be mobile....again

Easter weekend was most enjoyable. I went to church on Good Friday and Easter morning. I always enjoy being there, and appreciate the message our pastor delivers. She is the main reason I attend that church.

On Sunday we went to dinner at our neighbors Linda and Mike and had fun watching their 5 grandchildren look for Easter eggs. Dinner was delicious and we enjoyed the great company.

We were so lucky when we moved to this house, to find that we had terrific neighbors. There are only 3 houses on our dead end road and all the residents are very congenial. We all plan to stay in our houses and not move away so we are very thankful to have such congenial people. When you think of what the possibilities could have been.......

The parts came today for my new bike....namely the tires. The standard ones they put on have kevlar lining which will help protect against punctures. However, there are so many hazards on the roads [glass, nails, thorns etc] and the tires are a hassle to change, that we decided that we wanted the "almost puncture proof" tires. Dan is currently in the garage changing the standard issue for the "plus" tires. I have not ridden my new bike for more than a mile as I wanted to be able to trade out the tires and return the standard issue unused. I should be whizzing down the road any time soon.

This morning we took the green car to get the oil and transmission fluid changed. After dropping it off, and on our way home we stopped at our local wildlife refuge to see what was there. Lots of ducks in various stages of migration, including 2 beautiful male cinnamon teal. Saw lots of nest building activity as well as 2 different Canada geese sitting on nests on the osprey nest platforms. I asked at the office if the geese would be hatched by the time the osprey came back. They said no, the osprey would just run off the geese when they wanted the platform. Maybe a bit harsh, but that is nature. Upon arriving home, we saw 2 eagles perching in trees by our house [there were 5 soaring over our house last week], a pileated woodpecker working on our backyard tree and 2 downy woodpeckers getting ready to build a nest in the front. Flickers will drum on trees, or whatever else they can find, to attract a mate. One of the local flickers has decided that he wants to be really impressive and is using our metal roof as a "drumming post". The first time I heard it I thought that rocks were falling from the sky. It sounded like an impact wrench gone wild. Now I know it is just one of our feathered friends.

The lube place just called so we will go pick up the car. That's all for now.

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